Time & Location
2022年7月10日 10:00
AIM Archery Club, 73 Grange Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192, Australia
About the event
Melbourne's winter is here, to mobilise everyone to strengthen our respiratory system through aerobic exercise, activate the human immune command centre to resist disease. Please join AABWA’s Fitness Club indoor archery activities. AABWA members are $38, non- members are $48. Please make payment by 7 July.
Account name: AABWA
BSB: 083 028
Account no. 157 440 338
10:00 - 11:30am
Sunday 10 July 2022
Please arrive 15 mins early.
73 Grange Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192 (next to DFO Moorabbin)
What to wear:
Casual Sport Clothes
亲爱的姐妹们,墨爾本冬季期间为了动员大家通過有氧运动強健呼吸系統,活化人體免疫指揮中心,抵御疾病。繼室內攀岩活動之後,AABWA Fitness Club隆重推出集體室内射箭活动。付费会员$38元,非付费会员$48。
Account name: AABWA
BSB: 083 028
Account no. 157 440 338
活动日期:7月10日 周日
活动时间:10:00 - 11:30am