Become a Member
The Association actively connects to relevant professional organisations, advocates and empowers rights and interest of business and professional women and, makes contributions to Australian and global societies.

The Association Holds Five Major Events Annually
- March: International Women’s Day Event
- May: ‘Bringing Out the Best in You’ Event
- July: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) [paid members only]
- October: An Outdoor Event
- December: The Christmas Charity Gala Dinner
Some Other Activities Include
Regular ‘small business’ English seminars with industry professionals on Australian policy, economics, business, law, tax, superannuation, leadership and management, the arts, education, and topics that members desire.
The AAWBA Fitness Club
Regularly planned outdoor fitness activities.
The annual membership fee is $100; valid from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.
Paid Members Have the Following Rights
- Priority registration for events
- Discounted prices for all events
- Free English Seminars
- Attending the annual AGM
- Voting in AGM
- Free advertising in the AAWBA WeChat groups on weekends
AAWBA Membership
Please fill in the below form to submit your application to join AABWA.
By submitting this form, you agree to:
- be bound by the Rules and the Constitution of the Association;
- Support the mission, purpose, objectives and core values of the Association.
Click here to download AABWA's Constitution:
Membership Fee:
$100 for one year;
$180 for two years;
$260 for three years.
EFT to AABWA Bank Acc:
BSB: 083 028
Account No. 15 744 0338
Please email the payment receipt to:
Ready to Apply?
Click "Apply" to be an AABWA Member